Online Experiences

The perfect pairing
for team events

Discover unique experiences for team events

Airbnb Online Experiences are live, interactive activities hosted virtually by experts in their field.

From cooking and cocktail making classes, to magic shows and scavenger hunts, find the perfect experience to connect and learn something new with your team, wherever you are.

Hosted by experts
Meet hundreds of highly reviewed Online Experience hosts and learn from their unique expertise geared towards teams.
Private bookings
Book one or several Online Experiences with the option to customize with the host for your event needs.
Customer support
We’ve got you covered with support for multiple and large group bookings.

See what teams are saying about Online Experiences

"I LOVED IT! I would actually love to do more. I have recommended this experience to my network and shared the experience with my leadership team with the hopes that we could do something like this with our team since we are global.
Team booker, Accenture
Team booker, Accenture
"Meditation with sheep was AMAZING! The whole set up was fantastic. We did this as a team-building activity, and everyone at the company was in love with it. I have recommended it to other companies. I can't wait to travel again so I can see their farm.
Team booker, Coinbase
Team booker, Coinbase
"This is one of my favorite Airbnb online experiences. Adam was very informative and enthusiastic about foley and kept my group very engaged the entire time. . . . I highly recommend this event."
Team booker, Unity
Team booker, Unity

Great for large groups

Afrika Selatan
Temui Saintis Hiu Kehidupan Sebenar
New Zealand
Temui Biri-Biri Woolly, Domba di Ladang saya
Mari kita jadikan Empanadas Chile bersama-sama

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