Cadangan akan ditunjukkan selepas menaip dalam input carian. Gunakan anak panah atas dan bawah untuk menyemak. Gunakan enter untuk memilih. Jika pemilihan adalah frasa, frasa itu akan dimasukkan ke carian. Jika cadangan adalah pautan, penyemak imbas akan menavigasi ke halaman tersebut.

Menghantar tawaran istimewa

Special offers are a great way to drive faster bookings or suggest trip details that are more convenient for you.

How they work

When someone sends you a message before they book or submit a trip request, you can reply with a special offer that includes a custom price. You can also suggest different dates or another one of your places instead. They’ll have 24 hours to accept, and once they do, their reservation will be automatically confirmed.

If they’ve already booked or requested your place, you can’t send a special offer—but you can still give them a discount by changing the reservation details.

First, make sure your calendar is open and that you don’t have any pending requests for the dates in your offer—if you do, you’ll have to decline them. Also, be certain you want to host the guest, because their trip will be automatically confirmed if they accept.

Untuk menghantar tawaran istimewa:

Hantar tawaran istimewa pada desktop

  1. Klik Mesej dan buka mesej daripada tetamu anda
  2. Klik Tawaran istimewa
  3. Di bawah Jumlah Kecil, masukkan harga yang anda ingin tawarkan untuk seluruh penginapan
  4. Klik Hantar tawaran istimewa

Keep in mind:

  • The price should include all nights of the reservation
  • Be sure to include any additional fees, such as the cleaning fee
  • Don’t include taxes, the service fee, or the security deposit, if you’re using our offline fees feature (Taxes and service fees will be added automatically, and security deposits will be handled separately)
  • For special offers over 28 days in length, you can choose to offer a subtotal (the entire amount) or a monthly price
  • Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account, so make sure everything's up to date.

We'll then notify the guest with the offer details showing the taxes and service fee as separate line items. 

Sending multiple offers

When you send special offers to multiple guests for the same dates, whoever accepts first wins out. That’s why we recommend being transparent in your messages that other guests may be interested in booking the same dates.

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