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Looking for a tool to make your company travel more seamless? You’re in the right spot! Learn how the Airbnb for Work dashboard helps keep you informed—whether to track employee spending or manage trips around the world—all in one place.

How the dashboard works

As an Airbnb For Work admin, your dashboard lets you manage employee info in one place—including employee trips, reports, and invoices for your company. You’ll also find things like an overview of employees’ active, confirmed, and completed trips, info about the number of nights booked, and more helpful insights.

Airbnb for Work dashboard overview
Find all the details on what you can do from your company’s Airbnb for Work dashboard.

Employee roles

Access to the Airbnb for Work dashboard is managed through employee roles—like travelers, trip planners, or other admins. You can update employees’ existing roles to give them the right type of access to the dashboard, depending on what you’d like them to do. For example, travelers can’t access the dashboard, but they can book work trips using their own payment method. Trip planners have more access, but they can only get details about the reservations they’ve booked.

Giving employees access to your Airbnb for Work dashboard
Learn how the dashboard is managed, the different roles available, and who gets what info.

Updating employee info in the Airbnb for Work dashboard
Find out how to manage employee changes when you integrate your Airbnb account with OneLogin.

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